
eTac Trackless Bond Coat is Gaining Speed

Thu., Aug 15, 2024 | Ergon

Ensuring seamless fusion of pavement layers is not just about smooth driving – it’s about safety and performance. When layers aren’t bonded properly, failures can occur, creating hazardous conditions where safety is compromised. These challenges are especially detrimental on high-traffic roadways and airport runways where high performing pavements are required to withstand the stresses of rapid acceleration and deceleration.



Enter Bond/Tack Coats
To combat disastrous pavement failures, bond or tack coats are applied between asphalt layers, mending them together, like a super glue for roads.

eTac – Superior Bond Strength
Due to its advanced polymer modification and specific chemical formulation, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions’ (Ergon A&E) eTac trackless bond coat allows for superior bond strength and rapid setting within minutes of application. Agencies, such as Clark County, Nevada, have witnessed construction equipment operating on the surface in just 20 minutes without tracking. Moreover, eTac’s remarkable performance in Clark County has been validated by sheer testing, performed by the National Center for Asphalt Technology, of core samples from the County’s Lone Mountain Road project. Results showed the bond strength of eTac averaged nearly double the bond strength achieved by conventional tack products. Read the full story and results chart here: Vegas eTac Success.

Award-Winning Experience
Ergon A&E’s eTac is providing a top-tier performance experience. Its usage is gaining ground on high-speed roadway projects, including racetracks for the high-performance sports car industry, as well as on airport runways. Additionally, interstates using eTac, such as Florida Interstate 75, are being recognized for their award-winning performance. Learn how eTac is keeping this Florida Interstate together here: Florida eTac Success.

At Ergon A&E, we are dedicated to pioneering effective roadway solutions while prioritizing your safety and environmental stewardship. Whether cruising down an interstate or racing down a runway for takeoff, we are committed to our vision of high-performance roads that remain intact.

Contact your local roadway resource to find out if eTac is the right solution for your roads today.